So, what is it
about Osaka that calls itself a “water capital”?
It is hard to answer such a direct question. I think many people
would feel the same way as I do. The fact is that a number of people
from different positions are asking for the revitalization of the
water capital--believing that it would benefit our tourism industry,
the economy, and the environment. Osaka is a rare city, about 10
percent of whose area is covered with water. As the city’s identity
and symbolic image, the glorious scenery and beautiful flow of water and atmosphere
is inevitable in describing the city. However, the reality is far
from such an ideal. The daily traffic on rivers is very limited.
There aren’t many shops and stores near the waterfront. Above all,
people in Osaka no longer indulge in the custom of enjoying a walk
and relaxing near the water.
Things were different in olden times. Osaka’s history of prosperity
became possible because of water. Naniwatsu (today’s Osaka Port)
flourished as an international trading port. Osaka was described
as a city of “808 bridges” during the Edo period. Water transportation
and tourism were very active during the so-called “Dai-Osaka” period.
It was a common scene for a number of ships to be coming and going
on the rivers. And people were much more familiar with life near
the water. Things started changing as the period of postwar economic
growth arrived. Many rivers and bridges disappeared as motorized
traffic rapidly developed, pushing the waterfront away from our
daily lives. For many people in Osaka today, the bright scene of
a flourishing water capital does not exist even in their memories.
Suisho Bridge soon after its completion (around 1930): Originally
built to improve the quality of water, this movable bridge
over the Dojima River is known as the most elegant bridge in
Osaka today. *Image provided by Osaka Castle

Nakanoshima Tako-no Matsu (Naniwa Hyakkei, meaning “Hundred
views of Naniwa”) by Hasegawa Sadanobu: During the Edo period,
many daimyo (feudal lords) throughout the nation had their storage
facilities in Nakanoshima. The area was always busy with ships
selling and carrying their local products. *Image provided by
Osaka Castle
The movement to positively reevaluate the rivers began to
rise as we were nearing the end of the 20th century. It is
only 4 or 5 years ago that the government as well as the business
community formed a committee, made a revitalization plan, and
started organizing specific projects such as promotional events
for water transport and the improvement of a water-friendly
environment. The process of rejuvenating the water capital
finally and gradually started to appear in concrete form.
People in the community are also seeking ways to enjoy the
close relationship between the rivers and their lives. “Suito
Osaka-Mizubenomachi Saisei Project,” or Mizube NPO, is one
of the citizens’ groups of which I am a member. By sharing
the skills and knowledge of the members, we are making suggestions
regarding how to enjoy the riverfront life on an everyday basis,
such as creating a waterfront map, organizing a waterfront
lunch event, and providing real estate information on waterfront
properties. During summer, we hold a series of events called
“waterfront night,” where participants may enjoy river cruises,
riverside concerts, or other seasonal events to cool down during
the summer heat. In this past August, we had about 400 people
who came and joined our events. The number of participating
people is increasing. I heard lots of people saying they had
never taken a ride on a ship or had never enjoyed the waterfront

View of Okawa River from Kensaki Park
(east end of Nakanoshima
Park; Kita-ku, Osaka)

Waterfront Night--“Wakamatsu-no Hama” at the bottom of Hokonagashi
Bridge over the Dojima River |
People naturally gather at the waterfront simply to enjoy
the breeze and the season--“That is an ideal waterfront scene
we want to realize in the future,” said Takumi Matsumoto (architect),
on the board directors of Mizube NPO. He hopes that the group’s
activities would encourage people to turn their eyes and steps
to the waterfront and familiarize themselves with life near
the water. “The waterfront is best enjoyed on a daily basis,”
said Matsumoto. People in Osaka voluntarily are looking for
and rediscovering the goodness of the waterfront to deliver
it to others in the community. It is us citizens who will build
a new water capital in a new era.
This is not just a nostalgic feeling towards things we have
lost. We are creating a new value for Osaka as a water capital.
In this series, I would like to illustrate the future scenes
of the water capital that nobody has ever seen before, while
taking an overview of Osaka’s past and present.
November 12, 2007
Takuji Kobayashi, member of the board of directors, Suito Osaka-Mizubenomachi
Saisei Project
Started activities in 1998 and established as an NPO in 2003.
The purpose of the group is to contribute to the recovery of
Osaka’s waterfront culture and living space by providing information
about waterfront development to citizens and tourists, promoting
cooperation among waterfront property owners to create a city
view that matches the image of Osaka as a water capital, and
suggesting appropriate projects to recover Osaka waterfront’s
living space in the areas of architecture, real estate, and
Author Profile
Takuji Kobayashi
While working as a landscape designer, Kobayashi
participates in various activities to stimulate community
development and discover and utilize local attractions
at the eye level of citizens. He is a member of the board
of directors of the Suito Osaka-Mizubenomachi Saisei
Project (Mizube NPO) and also a representative of the
Amenicity Osaka Network. Licensed professional engineer
(architecture: urban and local development, architectural
Blog: http://ameblo.jp/amenicity2005/