“Anything goes” is probably one of the characteristics
that best describes contemporary art. No work really
needs to be categorized in paintings, carvings, or
any conventional genres. Materials also can be anything.
In this column, we have featured artists who use
a variety of materials, from trash (Yodogawa Technique)
to sound (Yukio Fujimoto) to art history (Yasumasa
Morimura). Another pair of artists I’d like to introduce
here also uses unexpectedly unique materials that
do not fit an ordinary genre--a car and sound. What
kind of art can such a combination of driving and
audio create?
Named in a bit of a controversial
way, Rogue’s Gallery was formed in 1993 by Yasuhiko
Hamachi and Yukihisa Nakase. Both Hamachi and Nakase
were senior high school students when they first
met four years earlier at the summer school of Osaka
University of Arts. Connecting to each other by talking
over music, the two entered the college together,
became members of the same music club, and devoted
themselves to exploring art, music, and movies. They
were strongly attracted to something that was not
categorized in conventional genres or explainable
with ordinary words; Survival Research Labs (SRL),
which is known for fierce fighting performances between
hand-made robots, or so-called noise music played
by BOREDOMS, are among such radical expressions that
particularly appealed to them.
One day, Hamachi and Nakase made a significant discovery
while they were driving a car. As they were checking
a used FM transmitter that they had just bought from
a used parts shop, it made a howling noise, which
seemed to change the view from the car window. Inspired
enough by the finding, the two eventually created
a unique style of experimental performance, in which
an audience rides in their car (Citroen XM-X), which
is carrying high-quality audio equipment, and listens
to various machine noises from the car that are enhanced
with added effects through the equipment. Calling
it “Gasoline Music & Cruising,” the two officially
started the performance in 1994.
The cruise is conducted like this: after
meeting the two at a certain place, the audience gets into
the rear of the car. Hamachi drives the car, while Nakase
performs mixing. The maximum number of audience members
is two per cruise. As the car continues on a planned course
and increases speed, a loud enhanced sound of machine noises,
namely engines and turn signals, surrounds the audience.
As the streaming views from the windows, booming sounds,
and vibration from the car seat are combined, the mere
driving sensation transforms into an artistic experience
of the unseen world, which the audience is allowed to glimpse
through speed and sound.
The duo has conducted approximately 300 driving performances
for 600 people thus far. They also perform in a parked
car, titled “Demonstration,” and also an installation project,
“RESIDUAL NOISE,” outside the car using only the audio
Currently, Hamachi and Nakase are on their national tour,
titled “Gasoline Music & Cruising Across Japan Tour
2006-2007.” The tour started in Hokkaido in September 2006,
has visited Aomori, Aichi, Kanagawa, Kagawa, Wakayama,
Hyogo, Hiroshima, Kochi and Okayama, and will also cover Yamaguchi
and Kyushu. As the name of Rogue’s Gallery has become known
nationwide, more people in Osaka should realize and be
proud that our community has created this super-unique
artist group. |
October 15, 2007
Text by Takafumi Kobuki, a freelance art writer
Image: Courtesy of spacelab 2006n |
Formed in 1993 by Yasuhiko Hamachi and Yukihisa
Nakase. Started “Gasoline Music Cruising” performance in
1994. Received “Kirin Contemporary Award” encouragement prize
(1994) and “The 2nd Tokyo Trash Art Award” excellence award
(1997). Participated in many special exhibitions at Art Tower
Mito, FUKUI CITY ART MUSEUM, Ashiya City Museum of Art and
History, Art Gallery of Tokyo Opera City, and more. |
“Gasoline Music & Cruising
Across Japan Tour 2006-2007” in Yamaguchi
Dec. 1 (Sat.) - Dec. 16 (Sun.) *Details to be determined
Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media
7-7 Nakazono-cho, Yamaguchi-shi, Yamaguchi
TEL: 083-901-2222
URL: http://www.ycam.jp/en/
“Nomat Project #4”
Jan. 12 (Sat.) - Feb. 2 (Sat.), 2008
Closed on Sunday and public holidays
11:00 - 19:00 (13:00 - 19:00 for Saturday)
Nomart Project Space
3-5-22 Nagata, Joto-ku, Osaka-shi
TEL: 06-6967-1354
URL: http://www.nomart.co.jp/ |
Author Profile
Takafumi Kobuki
Worked as an editor for an information magazine and became a freelancer in 2005.
Writes art-related articles for Kyoto Shimbun, Bijutsu Techo, Pia Kansai, ELLE,
artscape (online) and more.
Personal website: “Katte-ni RECOMMEND”
URL: http://www.recommend.ecnet.jp/
Personal blog: “Takafumi Kobuki: Art-no Kobujime”
URL: http://www.keyis.jp/ |