Genetic modification, cloning, and new drug development--when
we hear the word “bio,” or biotechnology, we tend to think of
something on the leading edge, which may be a bit far from our
everyday lives. The fact is that biotechnology is supporting
our lives in various familiar situations today, reflecting its
original meaning “life.” Osaka, in fact, has been long known
for its historic connection with biotechnology. In this interview
series, we asked Ryuichi Morishita, M.D., Ph.D., a leading researcher
in the area of clinical gene therapy, and a Professor at Osaka
University Graduate School of Medicine, about the relationship
between our lives and biotechnology, as well as its connection
to the history of Osaka. |

Morishita’s area of study is clinical gene therapy, which
is the development of new therapies that mainly utilize gene
information for difficult-to-treat diseases. While it may sound
like such study has no immediate connection to us ordinary people,
Morishita says that biotechnology exists much closer to our daily
lives than we imagine. Especially in Osaka, this becomes more
evident because of its long history as a pharmaceutical trade
center, highlighted by the prosperity of the Doshomachi district.
“Biotechnology has two basic aspects; technology for global use
and technology for our daily living,” says Morishita. “When a new drug is developed
in one country, it will eventually become available worldwide. In this respect,
biotechnology and bioproducts are universal. On the other hand, a number of common
things that we find in our daily lives are related to biotechnology. Think about
functional food and health food, for example. We just don’t often realize their
connection to biotechnology.”
Morishita also points out that Osaka has been the center of Japan’s
pharmaceutical market since the Edo period, mainly in the Doshomachi district.
“Reflecting its history, Osaka still holds today a number of headquarters of
major pharmaceutical companies, both domestic and international. Nearby Nada
(Kobe-shi, Hyogo) and Fushimi (Kyoto-shi), on the other hand, have a long tradition
of brewing, which has also contributed to the development of today’s bioindustry
in Osaka.”
It is clear that Osaka had established itself as a “bio city” well
before the development of suburban academic cities became popular throughout
the nation over the last decades. Osaka’s history and accomplishments as a “bio
city” have also become highly recognized worldwide.
“The biotechnology industry in Osaka is best characterized by the
fact that it has been built on the community’s rich historical assets. In this
respect, it is rare to find a city like Osaka in any other part of the world,”
says Morishita. |
In addition to its historical background, biotechnology in
Osaka has become known for the recent success of local bioventures.
The ultimate goal of bioresearch is to return the results to
society for the benefit of human life and living. To realize
this for his research on developing new drugs for difficult-to-treat
diseases, Morishita himself founded a university venture and
has been serving as its director. The company’s recent successful
project is the development of HGF (Hepatocyte Growth Factor)
genetic medicine, which will be the world’s first drug for the
neogenesis of blood vessels and is expected to effectively treat
peripheral arterial diseases that may ultimately lead to necrosis
of a lower limb. The project completed its clinical trials in
June2007 and is scheduled to be released by the company for sale
in approximately two years. While a number of university ventures
have been established in Osaka and other areas in the Kansai
region, bio-related ventures like Morishita’s account for about
40 percent of the total.
“Business cooperation is essential to turn our research efforts into actual
products,” says Morishita, as he recalls how he came to establish his own business.
“We talked to a number of companies but could not find the ones who were interested
in helping us. So we decided to make one by ourselves and founded AnGes MG, Inc.,
in December, 1999.”
Morishita well understands that large-scale businesses are mostly hesitant about
getting into innovative projects which may not be profitable enough for them.
In addition to commercializing the research results, AnGes MG has been working
on the development of medical infrastructure, which may allow the company to
import and sell medications, which are not currently available in Japan, for
intractable diseases. (To be continued in Vol. 2) |
October 18, 2007
Text by Michi Komura, Osaka Brand Center

Ryuichi Morishita, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor, Division of Clinical Gene Therapy Science, Osaka University,
Graduate School of Medicine (2003 to present). Founder and
director of AnGes MG, Inc.
Morishita was born in Okayama Prefecture. He graduated from Osaka
University Medical School in 1987 and finished his postdoctoral
research at Stanford University School of Medicine in 1991. He
was appointed as Associate Professor, Department of Geriatric Medicine,
Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine in 2003.
Morishita is currently a member of the Intellectual Property Policy
Committee, Structural Reform Council, Ministry of Economy, Trade
and Industry. He is also a member of the Council for Science and
Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology. From 2003 to 2007, Morishita served as a member of
the Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters (Director General:
Prime Minister). |
■Related links
Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine http://www.med.osaka-u.ac.jp/index-jp.html
AnGes MG, Inc. http://www.anges-mg.com/
Doctors Blog http://blog.m3.com/ |